Thursday, September 30, 2010

Research Update

Researching the mining industry of Marquette County has proven to be a little more difficult than I had anticipated.  Most of the sources that I have come upon are more related to the geology of mining rather than the workers who worked in the mines.  Because this is all I can find at the MSU Library I am now headed to the Library of Michigan.  Here, I have found more substantial research regarding the people who worked the mines and the three communities that encompass the Marquette Iron Range.

One aspect in my research that I would like to look more into, and possibly dedicate a section of my paper to is that of immigrant workers.  From looking at the Census Data from the year 1880 I found that most miners were immigrants from Finland, Canada, and a few from Ireland.  I believe that it would be appropriate to incorporate the immigrants who lived in the community as the mining industry has been instrumental in the communities progress.


1 comment:

  1. My cousin went to Northern and was at school in Marquette for 4 years. I think she did her senior thesis on the railroads connecting the mines. She might have some good sources in her bibliography if your still having trouble finding information. I gather from your more recent post though that you have found some though.
